

Introduction to SQL Server

MS SQL Server is a “world-class” Relational Database Information System platform. Incorporating a tremendous power to scale data as well as the ability to transcend an array of data sources, scaling desktops, portable devices (phones, tablets), and data centers as well as private and/or public clouds. This course is for anyone who is interested in gaining an understanding and a working knowledge of SQL via the flexible MS SQL Server toolset.

Designed to facilitate beginners and/or knowledgeable SQL enthusiasts, this is a hands-on course, which de-mystifies the basics of Administering Microsoft SQL. Topics include: learning how to create and manipulate database objects such as tables, indexes, views, and triggers. Students will learn SQL basics that apply to MS SQL as well as to any major Relational Database Management System (RDBMS); the students will also be introduced to the basics of using SQL Server on the Web. Students will enhance problem solving, analytical and implementation abilities worth maximum currency. Upon completion of this course, students will be a valuable, revenue producing resource on the job and/or in business.

Applicable Job Roles: Database Administrators, Data Management stakeholders of any sort.


SQL Server Basics

  • Client-Server database architecture and SQL Server architecture
  • Installing MS SQL Server (2014)
  • Tables, relational databases, SQL and database objects
  • Design and develop MS SQL Server databases and tables
  • Referencing objects in SQL Server databases
  • Obtaining information from database tables
  • SQL Server security

Understanding Tables and Databases

  • Creating databases manually
  • Creating databases with database wizard
  • Defining a maintenance plan wizard
  • Database manipulation: characteristics and deletions
  • Working with tables

Indexes and Views

  • The basics of index structures
  • Creating and working with indexes
  • Indexes and table architecture
  • Creating views (including using view manager)
  • Working with views
  • Indexed views

Database Diagrams, The Query Analyzer

  • Working with diagrams
  • Diagramming for pubs database
  • Server connectivity and Screen management
  • Working with queries
  • SQL essentials (select, create table, insert, delete, update)

Stored Procedures, Triggers and Replication

  • Components of stored procedures
  • Creating and working with stored procedures/system stored procedures
  • Components of triggers
  • Creating and working with triggers
  • Replication model and types of replication
  • Merge replication

Statements, Group By, Having, Order By

  • Group by Column with Having Clouse
  • Shorting Data Through Order By Statement

Using Of SQL Operators

  • • Filtering Data through Multiple Operators
  • • Using In, OR, AND Operators
  • • Less Than, Greater Than, Not Equal Operators

Date and Time Functions

  • Today, Now
  • Day, Month, Year
  • Date, Dateif, DateAdd
  • EOMonth, Weekday